
7月, 2018の投稿を表示しています

BR: 2-19 Grace Darling

In September 6th 1983,  the a steamship, Forfarsbire left from Hull to Dundee. However it was caught terrible storm, broke in two and run ashore Harker's Rock. A main character in this story, Grace Darling lived near Harker's Rock. She heard a voice from God to go to see the outside. Then she discover the ship. Next morning, she found survivors on the Harker's Rock. She and her father rescue them with a boat while rough waves flood... It's not fiction and very interesting! Let's try to read. Vicary, Tim. (2000). Grace Darling. Oxford University Press

BR: 2-18 Mutiny on the Bounty

It is a story based on truth. This is about mutiny agaiinst captain on the Bounty. However the biggest mystery, 'Why they rebel against the captain?' has not been clarified yet. I had a image that the captain, William Bligh was wrong and the sailor was right at first. But I changed the image because Bligh had ability to command and decision. This change of sense of value was interesting for me. In addition, this became movies many times. Let's try to read. Vicary, Tim.(2000). Mutiny on the Bounty. Oxford University Press

BR: 2-17 The Witches of Pendle

It is a story about witch trial based on truth. Jannet lived in an old house called Malkin Tower with poor family. She wasn't loved by someone. One day, she and her sister Alizon went out to ask for money. However a rich man didn't refuse their ask in addition he abuse them. Alizon were very angry and let her dog attak him. This is because, the witched trial started. Of couse her family was suspected but Jannet confessed that they are witches. In last, she got happly life but the lies returned her and she was also put in a prison... This story left unpleasant aftertaste. However it was interesting. Let's try to read. Akinyemi, Rowena.(2000). The Witches of Pendle. Oxford University Press

BR: 2-16 The Piano

In Anthony Evans's 80 years old memorial concert, Saliiy Hill interviewed him. He is a great pianist but he told strange his history... Tony, Anthony Evans was called so disliked studying but like music. When he was 13 years old, he began to work in Mr and Mrs wood's farm. He met a piano there and became absorbed in it. One night, Mr Gordon, a teacher heard his sound from the school. He was found his talent by Mr Gordon and he participated a conmetition under Mr and Mrs Wood and their daughter, Linda's help. The result was his championship. He started his brilliant career as pianist. Then he proposed to Linda when he was 20 years old. It is his odd history. He told the story and headed the stage... The story is interesting! Let's try to read. Border, Rosemary. (2000). The Piano. Oxford University Press

BR: 2-15 Christmas in Prague

 'Jan?' She looked up into his face. You are Jan? Tell me that you're Jan.' (p. 26) A harpist Carol, her husband Jan and his father Josef live in Oxford. They were going to go to Prague for Christmas because of her concert. She went to there a little earlier than them but she had a traffic accident. She didn't know why but she looked Jan in Prague and tried to say him. Therefore the accident happened. Later, she realized that Jan who she tried to say was not Jan. Jan and Josef who rushed to her also meet him. Jon and the man, Pavel were confused about the similar figure. Then Josef who sensed something started to tell a fact... It's a moving story. Let's try to read! Hannam, Joyce.(2000). Christmas in Prague. Oxford University Press

BR: 2-14 The Red-headed League

This story is one of Sherlock Holms series by Arthur Conan Doyle. One day, Spaulding who works with Wilson know a job offer, The Red-headed League, which is billionair recruit a red headed man and told a red headed man, Wilson. And the job was very easy. There are a lot of red-headed men but Wilson was employied because his red hair was admired. However when he went to the office the door was locked and there is a notice written 'breakup'... It's interesting. I want to try to read another story too. Arthur Conan Doyle.(2007). The Red-headed League. Helbling readers

BR: 2-13 A Ghost in Love and Other Plays

This book includes 3 stories about ghosts and you can read various stories easily. One Ghost for the Day It is a story in 1653. A man of ghost who left his son intheritance appear in front of a brother-in-law. He threatened him and ask a favor... Sleep now, My Darling A husband is movie director and a wife is former actress. He became to tie her to their family after they married. She gradually built up complaint. However you will want to feel his real feelinfs and his cinflict... A Ghost in Love A American who visit the UK met a ghost in 18 century in a hotel. He made a big decision while he search about the ghost. It's story about a man who finded hope to live. Dean, Michael.(2008). A Ghost in Love and Other Plays. Oxford University Press

BR: 2-12 Goodbye Mr Hollywood

'Drive carefully, Mr Hollywood. Goodbye,' she said. (p.6) Nick Lortz was sitting outside a cafe. He was suddenly spoken by a woman. He was so glad that she was very beautiful. And then, she said 'Goodbye Mr Hollywood', kissed him and left there. Why she called him Mr Hollywood? Why she kissed him though they meet for the first time. After that he went to Vancouver but somehow he was aimed by someone... It's very interesting. Let's try to read. Escott, John.(2000). Goodbye Mr Hollywood. Oxford University Press

BR:2-11 The Lottery Winner

Emma Carter is seventy-three years old. She wanted money to go to meet her son in Australia. She buys a lottery every week. One day she bought a lottery as usual and put it carefully in her bag but her bag was stolen. Jason Willliams isn't nice man. It is Jason that stole her bag. Then he knew the lottery in the bag is winning ticket and he came forward. The matter came to court because she argued that the winning ticket is herself. However she had to hire a lawer so she needed a lot of money... It was very interesting. Let's tr to read. Border, Rosemary. (2000). The Lottery Winner. Oxford University Press