Fancy NANCY and the Mean Girl

I read "Fancy NANCY and the Mean Girl".

This Friday is Field Day. There are races and a picnic. Almost everyone is excited. But one person is dreading it. (That's fancy for hoping Field Day never comes.) That person is me.

Nancy is not good at running. Grace is not interesting because she find her team losing relay race. Nancy and Grace are same team! Grace say Nancy something sarcastic. Nancy feel depressed but Nancy say Grace "I will run as fast as I can. But if we lose, don't say mean stuff. You are good runner. But you are not a good sport." Her team lose but two can be friend.

Let's try to read.

Jane O'Connor. (2011). Fancy NANCY and the Mean Girl. HarperCollins.

sob: むせび泣く、泣きじゃくる



Spring vacation

STUART LITTLE Stuart at the fun house

BR: 2-02 Remember Miranda