Fancy NANCY Splendid Speller

I read "Fancy NANCY Splendid Speller".

I don't mean to brag, but I am a spelendid speller. S-P-L-E-N-D-D. Bree is a spelendid speller too. We practice spelling in our after school.

At the spell test, Nancy peeked at Bree's paper. Then she bet Bree is right and fix her word. However, she stop because she feels guilty about what she has done. Nancy tell Ms Glass and Bree about she done. "Nancy, it was wrong to peek at Bree's paper. But you did not cheat. You stopped before you cheated. I am proud of you for that," says Ms Glass. " I forgot a p in 'happy', maybe we are not always splendid spellers, but we are always splendid friends!".

Let's try to read!

Jane O'Connor. (2011). Fancy NANCY Splendid Speller. HaperCollins.



Spring vacation

STUART LITTLE Stuart at the fun house

BR: 2-02 Remember Miranda