BR: 2-15 Christmas in Prague

 'Jan?' She looked up into his face. You are Jan? Tell me that you're Jan.' (p. 26)

A harpist Carol, her husband Jan and his father Josef live in Oxford. They were going to go to Prague for Christmas because of her concert. She went to there a little earlier than them but she had a traffic accident. She didn't know why but she looked Jan in Prague and tried to say him. Therefore the accident happened. Later, she realized that Jan who she tried to say was not Jan. Jan and Josef who rushed to her also meet him. Jon and the man, Pavel were confused about the similar figure. Then Josef who sensed something started to tell a fact...

It's a moving story. Let's try to read!

Hannam, Joyce.(2000). Christmas in Prague. Oxford University Press



Spring vacation

STUART LITTLE Stuart at the fun house

BR: 2-02 Remember Miranda